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Puppy Housetraining Ultimate Guide to dog training

Puppy Housetraining Ultimate Guide to dog training


I’velived with dogsallm y lifeand IcanhonestlysaythatI’m a“dog passionate” person.I’vealwaysbeenfascinatedbyhow m uch adogcan learn ifyou takethetim etoteach him . Atthem om ent,IlivewithaGolden Retrieverwho isatypical“bookdog”. You know thekind ofdogyoucan train byfollowingthetrainingprinciplesyoucanreadin m ostbooks.Ialso haveaM iniatureSchnauzerwhoiscompletelytheopposite!Ihad to write m yown bookto train her.Ihad to figureouthow herhead wasworkingand thatgavem eawholenew perspectiveondogs. Idecided to writethisbookbecausetherearelotsofdogslikem y M iniature Schnauzerwhodon’tfitcom pletely intraditionaltraining,thatarenotyour typical“bookdog”. You havetothinkofnew waysto help them understand. Asforthecontentofthisbook,although gram m atically-speakingIshould use“it” to referto yourdogorpuppy,Icouldn’tbringm yselfto useit. For m eadogisnotjustathing.SoIused heorshesoyou could relatem ore easilytheinform ationI’m providing you withyourpuppy.I’vealsoopted forthedirectstyle.Thisbook isforyouandsinceIreally wantto help you establish agreatrelationship with yourdog andgetthrough this housetrainingphaseaseasilyasIcan,itm adem oresenseto m eto writethis bookasifIwastalkingto you inperson.