Кинология Общая

Dog Oddities

Dog Oddities

автор(ы): Harry Miller

The collection of "Dog oddities" in this booklet was compiled from the press feature of that name which appears regularly in hundreds of newspapers and other publications throughout the country. For many years an avid gatherer of unusual dog facts, statistical data, exploits of individual dogs, facts about the various dog breeds, and the like. Mr. Miller, who heads up the Gaines Dog Research Center in New York City, makes use of this data in "dog oddities" as a means of furthering a better understanding of dogs everywhere. The "Dog oddities" sketches, based whenever possible on actual photographs, are the work of a prominent illustrator of animal subjects. This booklet is presented to you as a memento of Gaines' three-in-onc anniversary in 1953 — 25 years in the dog food business. 10 years as a member of the General Foods group and 5 years as a separate General Foods Division located in Kankakee. Illinois — with the thought that it will prove entertaining and instructive to your family and friends.

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