Кинология Общая

Mixed Breeds For Dummies

Mixed Breeds For Dummies

автор(ы): Miriam Fields-Babineau

A mixed-breed dog, as the name implies, is one that’s a mix of two or more breeds — as opposed to purebred dogs, which can trace their lineage back to purebred parents and grandparents and on and on. Believe it or not, mixed-breed dogs are more numer ous than purebred dogs and, until recently, they were thought of as less-than-ideal pets and companions. But with the new designer-dog hybrid craze, all that has drastically changed. Many people are will ing to spend upwards of $2,000 for a mixed-breed dog just because they know the dog’s parents were purebreds. Even though mixed-breed dogs — designer or not — may not have consistent attributes (like size and appearance), they can make great companions, often with fewer physical problems than pedigreed dogs.

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