библиотека кинолога и охотника, литература о природе

СЕТТЕР - интеллект и рассудительность


Порода формировалась в первой половине XIX столетия путем слияния различных по типу семей пегих и крапчатых сеттеров, разводившихся в Англии отдельными заводчиками. В России английские сеттеры появились в 70-х годах XIX столетия, главным образом из Англии. 

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Ирландский сеттер был выведен в Ирландии как рабочая собака для охоты на дичь. Эта порода происходит от Ирландского Красно-Белого Сеттера и от неизвестной собаки сплошного красного окраса. В XVIII веке этот тип собак был легко узнаваем.

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Это самый тяжелый среди сеттеров,
хорошо известный с 1860-х годов, но
обязанный популярностью четвертому
герцогу Гордону, разводившему черно-
подпалых сеттеров в своем замке в 20-х 
годах XVIII столетия.

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Кинология Общая

Dog Grooming For Dummies

Dog Grooming For Dummies

автор(ы): Margaret H.Bonham

Do you consider your dog a family member? Chances are you said yes before you finished reading the sentence. You’re in good company. Most pet owners consider their dogs as important as other family members or even a child. According to the Association of Pet Products Manufacturers, every day some 44 million households wake up to the loving licks of humankind’s oldest and dearest friend. Dogs have served people as protectors, workers, friends, and partners throughout thousands of years. And yet the role of the dog is changing. A few hundred years ago, not many people would be reading a book about grooming their dogs. Back then, dogs for the most part were outdoor animals that were kept in a doghouse or kennel and treated perhaps a little better than a tool or at best a type of livestock. With the exception of the pampered lap dogs and the few working dogs that shared the master’s home, most dogs had a pretty tough life, usually hanging out in the backyard (if there was one) or running around on the farm. How times have changed! Dogs have moved from outside to inside and wiggled their way into the hearts (and even onto the couches and beds) of their owners. But now that they’ve arrived — so to speak — pet owners want their dogs to be presentable. A dirty dog is no joy; a clean dog is pure happiness. And that’s what this book is all about. You’re no dummy for wanting a clean and presentable dog. A well-groomed dog usually is one that goes places and is better socialized than one who isn’t. You don’t mind having a well-groomed dog around, and you’re friends and neighbors are likely to think how wonderful your dog is because he’s well-groomed.

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