библиотека кинолога и охотника, литература о природе

СЕТТЕР - интеллект и рассудительность


Порода формировалась в первой половине XIX столетия путем слияния различных по типу семей пегих и крапчатых сеттеров, разводившихся в Англии отдельными заводчиками. В России английские сеттеры появились в 70-х годах XIX столетия, главным образом из Англии. 

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Ирландский сеттер был выведен в Ирландии как рабочая собака для охоты на дичь. Эта порода происходит от Ирландского Красно-Белого Сеттера и от неизвестной собаки сплошного красного окраса. В XVIII веке этот тип собак был легко узнаваем.

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Это самый тяжелый среди сеттеров,
хорошо известный с 1860-х годов, но
обязанный популярностью четвертому
герцогу Гордону, разводившему черно-
подпалых сеттеров в своем замке в 20-х 
годах XVIII столетия.

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Кинология Общая

Howell Book of Dogs: The Definitive Reference to 300 Breeds and Varieties

Howell Book of Dogs: The Definitive Reference to 300 Breeds and Varieties

автор(ы): Liz Palika

A book such is this is never the work of only one person; that’s almost impossi- ble. Many people shared the vision and enthusiasm for this project and all of them deserve credit. Therefore, I would like to thank many of the people who contributed to this book. First and foremost, my good friends Sheri and Buddy Wachtstetter deserve a huge round of applause. Both are wonderful photographers and contributed photos to the book. But most of all, as photo editors for the book, they organized the photos as they came in, screened them as to quality, cropped when necessary, and did all those other things that photo editors do. I could not have done this book without both Sheri and Buddy. Thank you! We received photos from all over the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Poland, and other European countries. We got photos from South Africa, Mexico, and places in between. People were incredibly generous with photos of their favorite breed, and all of those contributors deserve thanks. Unfortunately, we could not use all of the photos we were sent; even a book as large as this one has its limits. But I thank everyone who helped; I do appreciate your efforts. Several professional photographers helped us, too. They went to dog shows, agility trials, and other dog events to get us just the right photos. When one photo wasn’t quite perfect, they would go out and get another one. Mary Fish Arango, Melinda Peters, and Terry Albert—Sheri, Buddy, and I all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I also want to thank the trainers and students at Kindred Spirits Canine Education Center in Vista, California. The trainers (Petra Burke, Kate Abbott, Cayla Horn, Mary Moore, and Maggie Moore) not only organized photo shoots for us, but also posed their own dogs for photos illustrating the text in Part I. Many of Kindred Spirits’ students assisted, too, and brought their dogs to photo shoots. Thanks, everyone! There are many other people I would love to thank, but I don’t have the room to do so. I talked via phone, e-mail, and letter with hundreds of people about their breed of choice so that I would have accurate, up-to-date information. To all of you, thanks! Finally, to my agent, Marilyn Allen: You are wonderful, but I’ve told you that before. To my editor, Pam Mourouzis: Thanks for trusting me. To my editor, Jennifer Connolly: Thanks for making me better! And last but certainly not least, to my husband, Paul: Thanks for your support, your faith in me, and your patience!

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