библиотека кинолога и охотника, литература о природе

СЕТТЕР - интеллект и рассудительность


Порода формировалась в первой половине XIX столетия путем слияния различных по типу семей пегих и крапчатых сеттеров, разводившихся в Англии отдельными заводчиками. В России английские сеттеры появились в 70-х годах XIX столетия, главным образом из Англии. 

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Ирландский сеттер был выведен в Ирландии как рабочая собака для охоты на дичь. Эта порода происходит от Ирландского Красно-Белого Сеттера и от неизвестной собаки сплошного красного окраса. В XVIII веке этот тип собак был легко узнаваем.

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Это самый тяжелый среди сеттеров,
хорошо известный с 1860-х годов, но
обязанный популярностью четвертому
герцогу Гордону, разводившему черно-
подпалых сеттеров в своем замке в 20-х 
годах XVIII столетия.

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Кинология Общая

Pet Loss And Human Emotion

Pet Loss And Human Emotion

автор(ы): Cheri Barton Ross Jane Baron-Sorensen

Wilbur often thought of Charlotte. A few strands of her old web still hung in the doorway. Every day Wilbur would stand and look at the torn, empty web, and a lump would come to his throat. No one had ever had such a friend—so affectionate, so loyal, and so skillful (White, 1952, pp. 172–173). Tis book is a practical introduction into the feld of human–animal bonding. It addresses issues and areas of concern encountered by those facing or anticipating the loss of a beloved companion animal. Tis book will be helpful to grieving pet parents as well as to therapists and others who work to alleviate the stress and suffering associated with pet loss. A variety of therapeutic techniques are described, and case examples are cited, reminding the reader that a multitude of options aimed at resolution of grief symptoms are available. Until recently, people were cautious when discussing their feelings about pet loss with others for fear their feelings would be discounted or ridiculed. It is now becoming more acceptable for people to discuss, in public, their pain and sadness regarding pet loss. Newspaper and magazine arti cles have addressed the plight of disaster victims who were separated, many permanently, from treasured companion animals during 9/11 in New York and flooding along the Gulf Coast. Stories related to these tragic events have highlighted the role of pet companions as family members and illustrated the heartbreak faced by those who have had the bonds they shared with their pets abruptly broken. In our book, we educate pet parents and the therapeutic and medical communities about the impact of pet loss and strategies for resolution.

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